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Why Does my Computer have a Black Screen after Installing New RAM?

Can newly installed RAM cause no display?

Yes, newly installed RAM can cause no display if you install 4 RAM sticks in all four slots of the motherboard.

In this case, the computer boots up but no display comes on. This is because of the failure to form a dual channel between the RAM slots.

Dual channels are RAM slot combinations that enable the working of RAM and make them identified by the computer. For example, the computer boots only when you install two RAM sticks in slots one and three.

This can also be caused due to faulty RAM sticks or bad RAM slots. If you install a bad RAM stick or install a good RAM stick in a bad RAM slot, the computer fails to recognize the RAM modules and causes a “no display” condition.

This can only be fixed by ensuring the working of RAM sticks and RAM slots and forming the right dual channel in the RAM sticks. You can also try reseating the RAM to eliminate the “no display” condition.

  • No dual channel formation
  • Faulty RAM sticks
  • Bad RAM slots


Why is my Screen Black after Installing New RAM?

Your screen is black after installing new RAM because of incompatibility issues, RAM not detected by the computer, a bad RAM slot, failure to follow the right dual channel or faulty RAM sticks installed in the motherboard RAM slots.

All of these issues can lead to a RAM not being detected by the computer and hence, a black screen after installing new RAM.

  • Incompatible RAM
  • Undetected RAM
  • Bad RAM slot
  • Failure to establish the dual channel
  • Faulty RAM stick


Incompatible RAM

The installed RAM must adhere to the instructions specified by the owner’s manual of your computer.

Any deviation from the specifications like supported memory, RAM frequency and so on can result in incompatibility. This will make the computer show a black screen after installing the new RAM. So it’s important to note down the specifications of the RAM supported by your computer while installing new RAM.

Make sure that the RAM is supported by the computer. For example, you should not try to install four RAM modules in a computer that can support only two RAM modules.


Undetected RAM

Sometimes, the computer is unable to detect RAM because of several reasons like RAM sticks not properly seated in the RAM slots, motherboard failing to recognize the installed RAM or RAM incompatible with the specifications of the CPU and GPU.

BIOS may also fail to detect RAM because of disabled XMP, wrong RAM frequency and more. In these cases, the computer screen will go black on booting.

Resetting BIOS, setting the RAM frequency and properly seating the RAM stick in the RAM slot are the only ways of troubleshooting the issue of a black screen after installing a new RAM.


A bad RAM slot

When you install a RAM stick in a bad RAM slot with bent pins or dust clogging the network channels of the slot, your computer fails to detect the newly installed RAM.

If you see a black screen after installing a new RAM, try inserting the RAM stick in another slot and see if the computer screen comes up or not.


Failure to follow the dual channel

Sometimes, when the RAM sticks are installed in the slots where they fail to form a dual channel, the computer fails to detect the RAM and shows a black screen. The dual channel is usually formed when you install two RAM sticks in slot numbers 1 and 2.

Installing the RAM sticks in all the four RAM slots will lead to the “computer boots up but no/ black display” condition. The dual channel may, however, vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.


A faulty RAM stick

When you install a faulty RAM stick in the slot, the computer fails to detect the RAM and shows a black screen. This is because RAM is important for the computer to boot up properly and show the main display screen. It forms a link for the information to flow from one component of the computer to another.


Black Screen after installing RAM


How to Fix a Black screen after Installing New RAM?

You can fix a black screen after installing new RAM by checking the compatibility of the RAM, eliminating a faulty RAM stick  or cleaning the RAM slot.


Also try setting up a dual channel, resetting the BIOS, setting the RAM frequency, or clearing the CMOS battery.

Follow the steps given below to try each of these troubleshooting methods to prevent your computer from showing a black screen after installing a new RAM.

  1. Before buying a new RAM for your computer, look for specifications like frequency, memory, list of compatible CPUs and GPUs to find the best match for your computer. You can look for the specifications in the owner’s manual or the manufacturer’s website.
  2. Test the RAM sticks by inserting them in different RAM slots and if possible, different computers. Check them one by one to find the faulty sticks.
  3. Use a magnifying glass to check the pins of the RAM slots to spot any bends or damage. To identify a bad RAM slot, test the good RAM stick in another slot to see if it works or not.
  4. Form a proper dual channel while installing a new RAM. If RAM slots 1 and 3 don’t work then try installing the RAMs in slot numbers 2 and 4 or 1 and 2.
  5. Reset the BIOS to Load optimized default settings. To do this, launch the BIOS setup and go to the “Advanced Troubleshooting Options”. Select the “Settings” tab in the “Start” menu of the BIOS setup.
  6. Click the gear icon to access the “Start” menu. Click the “Update and Security” option. Click the “Recovery” button. Go to the “Advanced Setup” heading and click the “Restart now” option to restart the computer.
  7. The blue screen with advanced troubleshooting options will appear on the screen. Select the “Troubleshoot” option.
  8. Click the “Advanced options” from the new window. Select the “UEFI Firmware Settings” option. Click “Restart” to continue.
  9. When options like “Load Default Options” or “Load Setup Defaults” appear, click them to reset the BIOS. Save the settings and exit the setup.
  • You can set the RAM frequency from the BIOS setup by selecting the “Advanced Chipset” option. Set the RAM frequency to the desired value and save the settings.
  • To reset the CMOS battery, remove all the devices attached to your computer and disconnect the AC power supply as well. Remove the computer cover. Remove the battery from the battery holder. The battery can be connected in two ways.

It is either placed in a holder vertically or connected to the onboard header horizontally by means of a wire. If it’s placed vertically, remove the battery and make a note of the position of the “+” and “-” signs.

If it is connected with the onboard header, remove the wire and take the battery out. Wait for five to seven minutes before reconnecting the battery. This will reset the CMOS battery.

Attach the computer cover back and connect all the devices and AC power supply to see if it works.

Ernie Lo

Ernie Lo is a qualified web designer and web developer. He works as an IT support technician and website manager at Benleigh Vending, and he also fixes vending machines.

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