Home » Computers » (SOLVED) How to Fix a GPU Not Being Detected?

(SOLVED) How to Fix a GPU Not Being Detected?

Why is my GPU not detected?

The main reason why a GPU is often not detected is because of a damaged graphics card slot, an outdated graphics driver, or a faulty power supply.


  • Damaged graphics card slot
  • Uninstalled or outdated graphics driver
  • Problematic power supply
  • BIOS settings
  • Windows update
  • Graphics card not set as default

As mentioned above, the GPU may also be due to BIOS settings, Windows updates, or graphics card not being set as default.


Damaged graphics card slot

Remove the GPU or graphics card from its slot and check the slot for signs of damage. If so, you can either insert the card in a different slot or get the damaged slot repaired. If there is no problem with the slot, it’s likely that the GPU isn’t properly seated. Reseat the card in the slot once again. You can be assured that the card is seated correctly when you hear a small click sound.


Uninstalled or outdated graphics driver

The graphics driver is likelyto have been uninstalled accidentally. If so, you have to install the driver software. 

If you find the GPU listed in the Device Manager window, the driver is likely to be outdated. In this case, you’ll have to update the driver to the latest version. It’s recommended that you do an uninstall of the existing driver followed by a fresh installation of the latest version from the manufacturer’s website.


Problematic power supply

The GPU may not be detected if you have a problematic or incompatible power supply. The power supply required varies from one graphics card to another. Check the power rating of your graphics card and opt for a power supply that renders more power than required by the GPU.

You must also make sure that the power leads of the power supply are connected properly to the graphics card. A partially powered graphics card can also cause a non-detection problem.


BIOS settings

The BIOS settings must be dealt with very carefully. If the setting for multiple monitors is activated but you’re using only one monitor, you must disable this setting.

You must also remember to select the PCI-e related options. If there are several options like PCI-e / onboard backup and PCI-e, try choosing one option at a time and see if the problem is resolved.

Make sure that your BIOS is updated. The BIOS in your system depends on the manufacturer of the motherboard.

You will have to follow the instructions provided by the motherboard’s manufacturer to do the update. Sometimes, the latest or updated BIOS may require a reflash to detect the GPU or have to be reset to default.


Windows updates

There are chances that the most recent Windows update caused the problem of GPU not being detected. You can try rolling back or uninstalling the latest update to a previous version of Windows resolves the problem.


Graphics card not set as default

The GPU may not get detected if the graphics card hasn’t been set as the default in your computer. The steps for setting a graphics card as the default card depend on its manufacturer.

For example, an NVIDIA graphics card can be set as default through the 3D Settings menu in the NVIDIA Control Panel.


Why is my GPU not showing up in Device Manager?

Your GPU is most likely not showing up in Device Manager due to a hidden devices setting, GPU not fitting properly, wrong BIOS settings, or a disabled graphics card.


Hidden devices setting

When the hidden devices’ setting isn’t selected, the GPU will not appear in Device Manager. Turning OFF this setting can make the GPU show up.


  1. Press the Windows and X keys simultaneously.
  2. Select Device Manager from the menu to open the Device Manager window. 
  3. Click the View menu.
  4. Select the Show hidden devices option.


GPU not fitted properly

When the GPU isn’t fitted properly in its slot, it’s likely that its driver doesn’t get detected. As a result, the driver will not be highlighted in the Device Manager window.

  1. Remove the graphics card or GPU from its slot.
  2. Clean the slot thoroughly by blowing some air into it to remove all traces of dust.
  3. Put the card back into its slot. A small click sound indicates that the card is inserted properly into the slot.


Wrong BIOS settings

An outdated BIOS, a wrong monitor setting or both can result in the graphics card not getting detected.

  1. Enter the BIOS settings of your computer. The exact key to access the same during boot-up varies according to the manufacturer.
  2. Check for a setting called IGPU or IGPU Multi Monitors. Make sure that the setting for the GPU to work on multiple monitors is disabled. 
  3. Check for a pending BIOS update the BIOS to the most recent version.


Disabled graphics card

The GPU will not be highlighted in Device Manager if the graphics card has been disabled on the system for some reason.

  1. Open the Device Manager window.
  2. Expand the Display adapters node.
  3. Right-click the name of the graphics driver.
  4. Select the Enable device option from the context menu.


GPU not detected


Can BIOS detect GPU?

Yes, BIOS can detect GPU. The BIOS can detect the GPU with the correct settings. The BIOS will also often have to be of the latest version for the detection to take place.


Why is my GPU not detected in BIOS?

Your GPU is often not detected in BIOS because the option for setting up as well as using multiple monitors has been activated and you’re using only one monitor. Another reason why GPU detection doesn’t happen is that the BIOS is outdated. Changing the setting followed by a system restart and updating the BIOS to the latest version can resolve the BIOS-related GPU non-detection problems.


How do I enable GPU in BIOS?

You can enable the GPU in BIOS through the BIOS menu. It’s recommended that you restart the computer before and after enabling the GPU.

  1. Open the BIOS menu. The key to accessing the BIOS in a computer depends on the manufacturer of the motherboard.
  2. Select Advanced using the right/left arrow keys.
  3. Choose Video Configuration with the help of the up/down keys.
  4. Choose the PCI-Express option.
  5. Press Enter followed by F10 to save the setting


How do I know if my GPU is detected?

You will know if your GPU is detected by using the DirectX Diagnostic Tool of the computer.

  1. Press the R and Windows keys together to open the Run window.
  2. Type dxdiag in the Open field to open the DirectX Diagnostic Tool window.
  3. Click the Display tab.
  4. Check the Device section if the name of your GPU is mentioned. If so, it means the GPU has been detected.

The Device Manager can also help in finding out if your GPU has been detected.


Where is my GPU in Device Manager?

Your GPU is located under the Display adapters node in Device Manager. This is usually among the top listed nodes in the Device Manager window. You will be able to see the name of your GPU when you expand this node.


Why is my GPU not showing in Device Manager?

Your GPU is not showing up in Device Manager because it has been disabled. The GPU will automatically show in Device Manager when it has been enabled through the Enable device option in the contextual menu of the GPU under the Display adapters node. 

The GPU listing may also not be shown in Device Manager because the Show hidden devices submenu hasn’t been set. The GPU will get highlighted in Device Manager if this setting has been activated.


Are GPUs compatible with most motherboards?

Yes, modern GPUs render compatibility with most motherboards. The reason is PCI Express / PCI e x16 slot or connector. The compatibility is completely assured if you use an integrated computer graphics card. You might want to check compatibility only if you opt for a dedicated GPU.


Why is my GPU not detected by the motherboard?

The motherboard does not detect your GPU due to incorrect drivers, BIOS settings, faulty ports, or wrong installation.

  1. Correct the “incorrect drivers” issue by installing them manually. Uninstall the existing drivers and manually install their latest versions from the manufacturer’s website. The update should usually happen automatically by Windows but this doesn’t happen at times and causes problems.
  2. Check if the graphics card has been disabled in the Device Manager window by Windows and enable it as explained above. This simple incorrect BIOS setting can result in the GPU not getting detected.
  3. Check if the port in which the graphics card has been installed is damaged. If so, you must use another port for the GPU.
  4. Ensure the GPU is installed correctly or seated properly in its slot. You may want to remove it and reseat it by checking for the click sound to ensure the proper seating of the GPU.
  5. Check if the power supply is cable of meeting the GPU demands. If not, you will have to opt for a different power supply capable of doing so. This is also a good chance to ensure that the power cables connecting to the GPU don’t have any bending or tearing. If they do, get the cables changed with new ones of the same specifications.

If none of the above measures helped, the GPU not getting detected by the motherboard could be because of a Windows update. A rollback to a previous operating system version should fix the problem.


Why is my GPU not detected but the fan is spinning?

Your GPU is not detected, but the fan is spinning because of outdated graphics drivers, a pending OS or BIOS update, or loose connections. A damaged GPU slot or a disabled graphics card can trigger the non-detection.

  1. Check if the graphics card drivers are updated to their latest versions and do an update if needed.
  2. Look out for a pending OS and BIOS update and update them to their recent versions. If the problem persists, you may have to reset the BIOS to its default and roll back the updated Windows to an earlier version.
  3. Ensure that the graphics card is seated firmly in its slot and that the associated cables are tightly connected at both ends. A cable replacement is likely needed if it’s damaged or defective.
  4. Inspect the GPU slot for signs of damage. If the slot appears damaged, move the GPU to a different slot.
  5. As mentioned earlier, check for a disabled graphics card in Device Manager and enable it. This resolves the problem most of the time.


Why does my GPU turn ON but there is no display?

Your GPU turns ON, but there is no display when there is a faulty GPU slot, dust accumulation in the internal connections, or uninstalled or outdated graphics drivers.


An incorrectly seated GPU, faulty or wrong cables, incorrect BIOS settings, or wrong monitor connection could also be the reason.

  1. Look out for a damaged GPU slot in the computer and opt for another slot instead.
  2. Ensure that the internal connections are free of dust, as the dust can hinder the ability of the GPU to receive electrical signals. Do a deep cleaning by using compressed air for the cleaning action.
  3. Make sure that the graphics drivers have been installed and are of the latest versions. Ensure that the update applies to existing drivers as well.
  4. Check if the GPU is seated firmly in the slot. You can ensure this by removing it and fixing it back in the slot while checking for a small click sound.
  5. Watch out for connections with the wrong type of or faulty cables. In both cases, the cable change is needed.
  6. Look for incorrect BIOS settings as described and take the necessary action.
  7. Connect the monitor to the GPU rather than hooking it up with the motherboard.


Why is my GPU not detected after BIOS flash?

Your GPU is not detected after BIOS flash because the flash or update didn’t happen properly, a BIOS setting changed, the CMOS is uncleared or the motherboard got bricked.


  1. Rollback the BIOS update, do the flash once again, and check if the problem is fixed. There are chances that the earlier update took place only partly, resulting in the GPU not getting detected.
  2. Check if any of the earlier BIOS settings changed after the flash. If so, reverting them to their initial settings should address the issue.
  3. Clear the CMOS of your system by removing the battery and the power supply unit from the motherboard for at least five minutes and plugging them again.
  4. Inspect the motherboard to see if it has got bricked and if so, you must get it changed. This is a common problem when the flash is unsuccessful.  


Why does my GPU have power but is not detected?

Your GPU has power but is not detected if there is a faulty or loose connection or the graphics card isn’t seated properly. The problem also occurs if the existing power isn’t sufficient.

Make sure that the cable connections to and from the GPU are firmly connected and without damage. Tighten loose connections and replace damaged cables. The graphics card should also be seated properly in its slot.

If the slot appears damaged, choose a different slot instead.

You can also use a power supply unit that has a higher rating than what is needed by the GPU. As a final check, you can ensure that the GPU is enabled in Device Manager.


Why does my GPU light up but there is no display?

Your GPU lights up but there is no display because the monitor isn’t hooked up properly, the cables are faulty or incompatible, or the drivers are outdated.

You can overcome the problem by connecting the monitor to the GPU instead of the motherboard and using compatible cables that are free of defects or damage. You must also ensure that the graphics drivers are updated.


Why is my GPU with Riser not being detected?

Your GPU with Riser is not being detected due to an outdated BIOS, an incorrectly fitted Riser cable, or disabled PCIe lanes.

  1. Update your computer’s BIOS to the latest version as an outdated BIOS can cause the Riser not to get detected.
  2. Check if the Riser cable is connected properly and securely in place. Replace the cable if it’s damaged and tighten it if it’s loose.
  3. Ensure that the PCIe lanes are enabled in the BIOS settings. Use a jumper wire on the PCIe slot if required.
  4. Remove the GPU from its slot and reseat it properly once again. 
  5. Change the cables used for the GPU connection if needed and connect them correctly.


Why is my GPU fan speed not detected?

Your GPU fan speed is not detected because the GPU is hidden, the CMOS needs to be cleared or the driver software is of an incorrect version.

  1. Check if the Show hidden devices option has been deactivated in Device Manager and activate it. This will help to detect the GPU and in turn its speed.
  2. Clear the CMOS of your laptop and PC. This may fix the problem. 
  3. Rollback the driver software to an earlier version. The driver software must be of the recent version most of the time for GPU-related problems to be solved, but sometimes they get resolved with an earlier version of the driver software.
  4. Check if the PCIe slot is defective or damaged and use another slot for the GPU in this case.


Why is my 2nd GPU not detected?

Your GPU is not detected because of outdated graphics drivers or an activated onboard video device. Activating the PCIe graphics option in BIOS settings is another option.

One of the simplest fixes is to update the graphics drivers by selecting the PCIe graphics card under Display adapters in the Device Manager window and updating it.

You can also choose the onboard graphics driver here by right-clicking on it and disabling it.

If none of these methods works, you can access the BIOS settings to activate the PCIe GPU graphics card. 


Why is my 3rd GPU not detected?

Your 3rd GPU is not detected because the 4g decoding is disabled in BIOS or the risers are in the wrong slots.


You must enable the 4g decoding option in your BIOS settings if you want more than two GPUs to work on the same computer.


You can also try switching the risers to different slots.


Why is my 4thGPU not detected?

Your 4th GPU is not detected because of integrated graphics, a less powerful power supply, an out-of-place riser or cable, or a pending driver installation.

You must turn OFF the integrated graphics card and use a single GPU for the video output.

Check if the power supply unit has enough power to accommodate the power of all four GPUs and switch to a new unit with a higher power if needed.

You can also look out for out-of-place cables and risers and place them in their correct positions. 

Reinstall the graphics drivers once again through Device Manager. You have to do the installation every time you add a new graphics driver.

You may have to look for the non-detected GPU under the Other devices node if you don’t find it listed below the Display adapters node.

Ernie Lo

Ernie Lo is a qualified web designer and web developer. He works as an IT support technician and website manager at Benleigh Vending, and he also fixes vending machines.

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