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Why Does My HP Laptop Keep Turning Off? (SOLVED)

HP laptop keeps turning off

Why Does My HP Laptop Keep Turning Off?

A HP laptop can keep turning off because of overheating, a faulty battery, an outdated BIOS or memory leakage.

Some of these problems can be blamed on customers’ negligence, but the others are sure the fault of poor quality control from the manufacture.

  •     Overheating: This can be a cause of the frequent shutdown of HP laptops. Maybe your laptop is overheating whenever you are working on it, and somehow the cooling systems are also not working. You may have to replace the thermal paste and check whether the heating problem is solved or not.
  •     Battery fault: First thing you need to do is check if the laptop is working when connected to the battery or only to the charger. If it is not working, then it means the charger or the battery is faulty.
  •     Memory Leak: You can determine if there is a memory problem or not if your eyes catch a system crash with a blue screen.
  •     Outdated BIOS: If the BIOS is outdated, it can cause a HP laptop to shutdown.
  •    Unstable Power supply: Check if the power supply of your laptop is stable. An unstable power supply may cause a frequent shutdown.


How to Fix an HP Laptop that keeps turning off

Here are a few things that you can do to fix your laptop’s shut down the problem:

  1. Check if the power input is alright. When your laptop is connected to a wall outlet, it must deliver proper power to the laptop. If you see any screen flickering, it’s surely the outlet that can not give your laptop enough power.
  2. The BIOS must be up to date. Remember to update the BIOS of your laptop in the gradual process, i.e, maybe you have 6 BIOS updates since you last updated it. In that case, you need to go through all those six updates and should not jump to the BIOS latest version.
  3. If you still witness the frequent shutdown, you need a thermal monitoring app, such as HWmonitor, Real Temp, HWinfo, etc. Through these apps, you can check the thermal temperature. But if you see any abnormalities, like frequent overheating and not coming back to standard quickly, then maybe it’s time to change the thermal paste or fix the fans.
  4. Maybe it’s a hardware failure. But the fact to concern is, you can not fix your laptop’s hardware issues. All you can do is, make sure whether all the other parts are doing well or not. Then visit your nearest service center or call an expert to perform further fixes.
  5. Are you still facing that issue? Maybe it’s a virus! Run a malware scan immediately on your laptop and take appropriate measures. Update your Antivirus software or buy a new one.

Maybe it’s been a long time since you took your laptop for service. This long term break may have affected the processing of laptops. Visit an HP service center as soon as possible for a dust-free, smooth and fast processing.


HP laptop keeps turning off when starting up

Having the problem of shutting down as soon as starting up is quite a headache. And the problem can confuse the users because this problem can be solved within seconds or can cost quite a few dollars.

But most of the time, the issues are overheating, faulty battery, hardware problems and software conflicts.


  1. Battery

When your device does not have a proper charge, then it shuts down. But if the charge is alright, but still the machine is shutting down shortly after turning it on, the battery is probably no longer able to hold a charge.

It can happen if the battery is old; all the chargers may have damaged, or somehow the DC Jack on your laptop is not functioning correctly. In this situation, you may have to replace the thing that is not functioning.


  1. Heat

Excessive heat from the graphics card, memory, CPU, cooling fan for the hard drive may be the root cause of your laptop’s random shut down. You can replace the components inside your laptop that is failing. If the cooling fan is malfunctioning, maybe there is too much dust accommodated on it. Clean the fans regularly using compressed air.

  1. Hardware

Maybe your laptop’s hardware is conflicts causing a premature shutdown. It is not that simple to remove a laptop’s internal hardware, but what you can do is remove the external hard drives.

When your laptop completes its booting process, it successfully places the external hard drives back again and sees if it is causing the shutdown again.


  1. Software

Software problems can appear for many reasons, but the most common one is malware. If your HP laptop has a firewall, then it may be prevented by certain startup services that your laptop requires to operate.

Remove the unnecessary startup programs from your windows system configuration tool.

I have mentioned basic troubleshooting along with the causes. If the above actions are unable to fix your problem, check if the laptop’s power supply can supply appropriate power to the system. Otherwise, consult an expert and let him do the rest for you.


HP laptop keeps turning off randomly

Like any other electronic device, your HP laptop may also be troubling you. When the users see their laptop is turning off without any notification, and this incident is frequently happening, it is surely quite frustrating. But you need to understand that there can be many reasons behind it, and there are solutions too.


Reasons why a HP laptop is turning off randomly

  • Overheating
  • Hardware failure
  • Faulty battery
  • Virus-infected system
  • A long break from laptop servicing
  • Ram conflicts
  • Unstable power supply


How to fix

  1. Overheating is the most common cause of most problems in any electronic device. There is auto cooling technology on every laptop. Check whether it is functioning correctly, or it is time to change the thermal paste. You can also buy a cooling pad to troubleshoot the problem.
  2. Like overheating hardware, failure is not a common problem. It cannot be troubleshot. This problem requires sufficient expertise treatment.
  3. Battery faults happen only if you are using the laptop for a long time. Another reason is excessive charging. Ensure that the battery has the same amperes that your laptop needs. If the battery is running low, keep the laptop plugged in.
  4. A virus-infected laptop can affect all the software and can cause a random shutdown. Upgrade your anti-virus immediately and run a virus scan to get rid of the malware.
  5. No matter if your HP laptop is the latest version or not, takes your laptop for a regular check-up to the service center for smooth usage.
  6. RAM crashing problems can occur randomly. To troubleshoot this kind of issue, take out your Ram, clean it, and then attach it again.
  7. If you face the shutdown problem whenever your laptop is plugged in, then it’s predictable that the problem is the power supply. Change your source of power supply and make sure it is now supplying enough power to your laptop.


HP laptop keeps turning off when plugged in

When your laptop keeps turning off when it is plugged in, that means there is a fault in the power supply. Maybe the laptop is not getting enough power that it requires to operate. I recommend you to do the following troubleshooting in this situation:


Check the power settings

  1. Right-click on the blank place of desktop
  2. Choose properties
  3. Click on the screen saver tab
  4. Near the bottom, click on the power button
  5. Check what are the settings when plugging into AC power


CPU Issues

Most CPUs have the technology which limits its speed when not plugged in a power source. Because of this technology, the heat reduces, and the battery life increases.

But when the CPU is plugged in, it runs at full speed—the shutdown May orca due to excessive heat or power produced by a long term CPU work.


Check the Laptop Temperature

Overheating is not a subject of concern, because every system has its technology to control the heat. The concern appears when that cooling technology is not functioning properly.

Dusty laptop fans can increase the temperature of your laptop dramatically. 

Otherwise, you maybe you have to replace the thermal paste.


HP laptop turning off when unplugged

If the laptop turns off without any notifications, it’s most likely a faulty power supply.

If the shutting down problem occurs when the laptop is unplugged, it’s most likely a faulty battery.


Change the power management settings

  1. Click on the start menu
  2. Type power plan
  3. Click on edit power plan
  4. Click on Change advanced power settings
  5. Now expand the processor power management by clicking on processor power management
  6. From the appeared of shells click maximum processor state


Reinstall battery drivers

  1. Locate Device manager
  2. Click on Batteries to expand it
  3. Right-click on each ACPI option gradually
  4. Now uninstall
  5. When the uninstallation is finished reboot the laptop


Disconnect the battery

  1. Shutdown the laptop and unplug its power cord
  2. In order to access the battery, unscrew all the screws
  3. When you can see the battery, disconnect it carefully
  4. Wait for 15 minutes
  5. Now connect the battery again and turn on your system


update BIOS

Sometimes the frequent shutdown problem can appear when your chipset or BIOS is not the latest version. Use HP support assistant to search for or update and install them.


Replace the battery

If you see that your battery cannot hold the charge, then any troubleshooting cannot fix it. It’s time you change the battery.


HP Laptop Keeps Shutting Off Due To Overheating

The most common cause of overeating is the fault in the thermal base or cooling fan. If buying a cooling pad, do not solve the overheating problem, and then try the following fixes.


General troubleshooting

It is the easiest troubleshooting when the laptop overheats are to take it in the open air. It helps the fans to blow appropriately, and gradually the laptop cools down. Another thing you can do is immediately and unplugs it from the power outlet as the power cord can heat up.


Change the power options

  1. Click on the control panel and find out Hardware and Sound
  2. Locate, Change plan setting
  3. Then advanced power settings
  4. Click on the processor power management
  5. Click maximum processor state and change it to 70 to 75%


Hardware failure

The laptop overheating may be caused by faulty hardware. It can be the graphics card, memory, processor, etc. There is a lot of troubleshooting in the situation that you can perform. Visit your nearest HP service center and fix it immediately.


Heat Sinks

Loose heat sinks often may be causing the overheating. You can easily locate the heat scene that is attached to your processor. Clean it, re-grease the heat sink, and put it back in place.


HP Laptop Turns Off When Moved

If the laptop is shutting down when it is moved then the reasons can be the battery. Maybe it is making a poor connection with the laptop.

If it is removable, then replace it. Go through the following list and check if it helps:

  1. Run diagnostics, particularly on the hard drive, and check if they are outdated. Other things can cause a shutdown.
  2. Check if the battery is loose; it is not attached correctly.
  3. If you are using the laptop for a long time, then maybe it’s time you replace it. Go to the service center and make sure about that.
  4. Run a virus scan and check if your laptop is virus infected.
  5. Maybe the screen or the AC Jack is causing a short out in the motherboard. In this situation, if moving is causing this, then don’t move the laptop.
  6. If the charge is full, but still it is shutting down while moving, it can be the fault of the DC Jack. If the laptop is not plugged in, maybe the DC Jack is causing a power surge, and the laptop is shutting down. Remove the DC Jack and other easily removable hardware, if any.

See if the above list can help you out. Still, I recommend you visit your nearest store once because anyhow, regular servicing is required for a laptop.

Ernie Lo

Ernie Lo is a qualified web designer and web developer. He works as an IT support technician and website manager at Benleigh Vending, and he also fixes vending machines.

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