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How to Fix a Loose USB-C Port that’s Not Working (STEPS)

Loose USB-C port not working


Why is your USB-C Port Loose?

A USB-C port can become loose over time due to dust and dirt getting into the slot. This can cause a computer to not recognize the USB-C device.

Do you have a laptop with a loose USB port? Read on to understand why this problem has happened and what can be done to fix it quite easily.

You will not be able to fit in a pen drive, portable hard drive into the USB port if it is loose.

The pen drive might not fit at all or it might be loose despite getting into the slot. This will prevent you from accessing the pen drive or any such device that you’re trying to connect.


How to Fix a Loose USB-C Port on a laptop?

To fix a loose USB-C port on a laptop, use a toothpick to clean out any dirt inside the USB-C port.

So now that you know the possible cause of the loose USB port, how do you fix it? Are there some DIY techniques that you can apply to get it fixed?

There are some easy ways that you can try at home to fix a loose USB-C port on your laptop. You will need a clean cloth and a few toothpicks to do this.

  • Clean out the slot with a fine cloth and some toothpicks.
  • Make sure that the laptop is switched off before attempting this.
  • When using toothpicks, ensure that you do not damage any of the internal components of the port.
  • Gently use a cloth to remove any dust and dirt.


How to Fix a Loose USB Port on a Phone?

If you have a phone which is refusing to connect to a charger through the USB port, you may have some issues with the port.

There is a possibility that a component deep inside the port is broken, but a more likely reason is a buildup of dirt inside the port.

Just like a laptop, the USB port of mobile too can get filled with dust and grime. It is not very difficult to clean this out.

  • Use a toothpick to clean any dirt or grime from the USB-C port.
  • Don’t poke the toothpick too hard or deep as it may cause damage to the circuit.
  • The phone needs to be switched off while attempting this.
  • Clean slowly and methodically as it will take some time to get all the dust out.


Why is my MacBook Pro USB-C Loose?

Dirt and dust can cause the USB-C to become loose. Use a soft brush to remove any dirt from inside the port.

One of the main problems faced by users of a MacBook is that the USB-C port in it becomes loose within a few months.

The MacBook is one of the best laptops for working and it can get quite frustrating if you cannot insert a USB device into the port.

You may find that the click sound which is heard when you plug in the pen drive can no longer be heard. The device might continue to work but may lose the connection even if the device is moved slightly.

  • Use a magnifying glass to zoom in and look at the port.
  • The port may be clogged with some debris. This can be cleaned using a soft cloth.
  • Do not use a toothpick as it can damage the port.
  • You can also use a soft brush and lightly brush out the particles inside the port. Once the port is unclogged you should be able to use the USB sticks without any issues.


Why is my HP Laptop USB-C Loose?

Do you have an HP laptop and finding it difficult to connect the charger to the USB-C port? The charger might not fit into the port correctly or might get disconnected by the slightest touch.

  • The first thing to do is to check if the issue lies with the charger or the port of the laptop. You can easily do this by using another charger to connect to the port.
  • If the alternate charger works fine, then you may need to get your charger fixed. If the alternate charger also fails, the issue lies with the USB port.
  • You can lodge a complaint with the HP service center mentioning the device id and other such details. They will either replace the port or fix the issue by other means.
  • If your laptop is covered by warranty then it will be fixed for free.


Why is my Dell Laptop USB-C Loose?

In general, this issue is quite rare. But if you find yourself unable to charge your Dell laptop through the USB charging port, then you will need to assess whether the issue is due to the port or the charger.

  • Try connecting another original charger of Dell to assess whether the problem is with the charger.
  • The jack and the port are usually replaceable and do not cost much.
  • If you find that the laptop still does not connect to another charger, you will have to replace the USB-C port. Any service center of Dell available close to you can help you with this.
  • If the issue lies with the charger, you can easily buy a charger online or at a store close to you. Any charger from Dell which can charge through the USB-C port should do the trick.


USB Doesn’t Work or Fit in Connection

Do you have a phone or a laptop where the USB port is not working correctly? Well, this could be due to several reasons. One of the common issues faced is that a notification pops up mentioning that a USB device is connected without even connecting one.

When you try to connect a USB device say a charger or headphones it might fail to recognize the device.

  • This issue could be due to the software component or the hardware port.
  • Sometimes it could also be a combination of both software and hardware issue.
  • In all probability, there could be some lint stuck in the port preventing the device from connecting properly.
  • Remove the lint or grime gently and check if the problem is resolved.
  • The issue could also persist if one of the pins inside the port is damaged or bent. In this case, the port will need replacement.


Why your USB-C Doesn’t Work

If you find yourself with no working USB-C ports, there are a few things that you can try out. The first step is to diagnose the cause of the problem.

A USB-C may not work due to incorrect software settings or  broken pins inside the port. 

  • Switch on your laptop and navigate to the device manager.
  • Try running a diagnostic on the USB devices and ports. If the report comes out as normal for all the ports then the issue does not lie with the software side.
  • To check for the hardware configuration, run a UEFI hardware diagnostic. This will let you know if there is some issue with the port on the hardware side.
  • If both the tests do not show any issues but the port refuses to connect then it could mean that there is a combination of software and hardware issue.


Charger Only Works in One Direction of USB-C

The beauty of a USB-C port is that you can fit in a cable in any direction. Generally, you need to fit the USB device only in one particular direction for it to sit comfortably inside the port.

This used to be quite irritating sometimes as we had to try out different directions before finding the correct one. USB-C port was invented to solve this problem.

If you find that the port is working only in one direction, there might be some problem with the hardware.

  • Try restarting the phone or the laptop to check if the issue gets resolved.
  • If the port still has the same issue, try doing a factory reset.
  • Make sure to backup all your data before attempting this. This should help resolve the problem.


USB-C is not Charging my Laptop

Of late, laptops have the USB port to charge it. The older versions had round ports that were made exclusively for the purpose of charging the laptops.

Do you find yourself unable to charge the laptop despite connecting the USB charger? This can be quite frustrating once the power in it dies down.

  • Have you been using a different USB charger or one meant fora different brand?
  • If yes, then this might be the cause of your issue. Every charger has a capacity of current it can handle and this may vary from brand to brand.
  • Similarly, the USB port also has a limit to the current it can handle. If the charger that you used had a higher voltage passing through, it might have damaged the port.
  • Ensure that you always use the original charger to power the laptop.
  • If your original charger is lost or damaged try to obtain one from the same company.


USB-C is Not Charging MacBook

Macbooks often charge using USB-C type ports. If you find that the charger is not able to power the laptop, you can try out the following steps.

  • First and foremost try removing the charger and plugging it back in. Sometimes there might be a loose connection in the port. If still, the problem persists, check the power adapter. The power adapter that came with the charger might be experiencing some issues. Try using an alternate adapter to identify where the issue is.
  • Make sure that you use the same type of charger from Apple for testing purposes.
  • Sometimes, some power disruption in your electric line could cause the charger to not function correctly. Try plugging in the charger to a different electric line in your house.
  • If the issue is still not resolved, you might have to get the laptop checked by a service center.


USB-C Not Charging Nintendo Switch

Having a Nintendo but not being able to charge the switch can be very irritating. This could be due to a multitude of reasons.

If you have been traveling with your device recently then the cargo hold might have given your device a few bumps. This could easily cause the device to malfunction.

  • Whenever you are traveling ensure that the device is placed in its carry-case and not in the checked-in baggage.
  • If you have been using any alternate charger to power the device, then the issue could have been caused because of it.
  • Using duplicate chargers or adapters can cause some fluctuation in the voltage. This can damage the circuit thereby leading to multiple issues in the device.

Ernie Lo

Ernie Lo is a qualified web designer and web developer. He works as an IT support technician and website manager at Benleigh Vending, and he also fixes vending machines.

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